Upper teeth and/or upper jaw (maxilla) farther forward than lower teeth.

Upper teeth and/or upper jaw (maxilla) farther forward than lower teeth.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System. This patient also had surgery to correct differences relative to where the bones of her face were situated. Total treatment was about 19 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth and was done prior to...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System. This patient also had surgery to correct differences relative to where the bones of his face were situated. Total treatment was about 29 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth and was done prior to...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Total treatment was about 14 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Total treatment was about 12 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Total treatment was about 20 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Total treatment was about 20 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth. After orthodontic treatment, she had restoration with her general dentist of the upper two front teeth...
This patient had two phases of treatment. His first phase occurred when he still had multiple baby teeth remaining and was with a retainer to reduce the prominence of his upper front teeth. He struggled with wearing the retainer and did not see much in the way of...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Total treatment was about 12 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System. Total treatment was about 22 months with braces & elastics without removal of any teeth and was done prior to implementation of custom treatment protocols with Insignia.