Orthodontic treatment can help with teeth that are not shaped well and/or have developed differently than expected.

Orthodontic treatment can help with teeth that are not shaped well and/or have developed differently than expected.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. His treatment was to address spaces between his teeth. Total treatment time was about 9 months with braces and elastics but was without removal of any teeth and was without a palatal expander. ...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Her treatment was to address crowding of her teeth and a flat “Smile Arc”. Smile Arc is defined as how the upper front teeth curve nicely with the lower lip. Upper front teeth that are aligned...
Spaces between teeth can be closed with orthodontic treatment.
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Her treatment was to address crowding of her teeth with specific focus on the recession the gum tissue around her upper front teeth. Total treatment time was about 28 months with braces and...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System prior to our use of Insignia. Treatment was to address crowding of her teeth. After initial alignment of all of her teeth, we discussed options of either (1) polishing the teeth to make them all the same length but...
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System and was finished with a retainer. Treatment was limited to the maxillary arch only (upper teeth only). She was experiencing a very rare condition in which one of the adult teeth was causing the loss of a neighboring...
Gummy smile: Treatment was with braces in the Damon System prior to our use of Insignia. Her treatment was to address the “vertical maxillary excess” of her smile. In other words, she showed too much gum tissue when smiling. After alignment of her smile, we used...
Brown Stains on Teeth: This patient came to us with developmental staining of his teeth. In other words, the brown stains had been grown onto his teeth and had always been present. After orthodontic treatment was completed, his dentist polished the stains off of...
Length of Teeth and “gummy” smile – Treatment was with braces in the Damon System customized with Insignia. Her treatment was to address space between her teeth, upper front teeth that were too long, upper front teeth that were too far in front of the lower...