Case Study 73 – Second premolars impacted due to early loss of baby teeth

Treatment was with braces in the Damon System prior to our use of Insignia.  Treatment was to address impaction of her upper second premolars due to early loss of second baby molars. Total treatment time was about 31 months with braces.  We created spaces for the upper second premolars to erupt.  She did not have the premolars “exposed” or uncovered; they erupted on their own as space was created.  She did not have “early treatment”.  Her treatment was done in a single phase once her permanent teeth had all erupted except for the upper second premolars which we were rescuing as the primary reason for her orthodontic treatment.  Treatment was without removal of any teeth and was without a palatal expander.  She had treatment prior to implementation of custom treatment protocols with Insignia.

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