Case Study 64 – Worn edges of front tooth restored
Treatment was with braces in the Damon System prior to our use of Insignia. Treatment was to address crowding of her teeth. After initial alignment of all of her teeth, we discussed options of either (1) polishing the teeth to make them all the same length but shorter versus (2) having restorations placed with her general dentist to make the teeth all the same length but longer. She chose to have the second option of having restorations placed. Based on where her teeth lay in her smile relative to her lower lip, the choice was excellent and her general dentist placed beautiful restorations to finish her smile change nicely. Total treatment time was about 34 months with braces. Treatment was without removal of any teeth and was without a palatal expander. She had treatment prior to implementation of custom treatment protocols with Insignia. We would have expected a shorter time in treatment with Insignia, our current standard of care.