Bandeen Orthodontics is Officially Open!

All Bandeen Orthodontics orthodontist offices reopened June 1 with some new protocols.

While we are very excited to see you all soon, we are doing our best to provide a clean and safe experience for everyone while also following all of the recommendations from the CDC, FDA, MDA, ADA, the State of Michigan, and other organizations. The bottom line is that we have been practicing “clean techniques” forever because that’s our job. We have some new procedures which will be in place to beef up our already strict protocols. We hope in a month or two that the extra protocols will be considered to be an over-reaction, but thank you for allowing us to comply with the laws and regulations that we are required to follow.

New appointments are being made. There are a lot of you who need appointments, so we cannot see all of you on the first day. We will be in touch with each of you as soon as possible to setup appointments. If you don’t hear from us in the first few days you are welcome to contact us, but please be patient.

Not feeling well? Do not come in. If you do not feel well, we kindly ask that you not come to see us. Please reschedule your appointment by phone or text. If we don’t feel well, we are not coming to work. If you don’t feel well, then you should not come to your appointment.

No food or drink. Please don’t bring any food or drink with you to your appointment. It’s probably best to leave extra bags or other items in your car.

New protocols for appointments. When you come to your appointment….

  • Text us to “check in” to let us know that you are here and then wait in your care until we invite you in. Your car is your new waiting room.
  • Masks are required for everyone who enters our building. You must wear a mask when you enter, on your way to the chair, will remove it for care, and will then put it back to wear as you exit our building.
  • Patients only in the building. You may enter, but we kindly ask that anyone who came with you wait in the car.
  • Everyone must fill out the online questionnaire on the day of your appointment BEFORE entering and we will take your temperature when you enter. You can access the questionnaire by clicking here.

Our bathrooms, brushing station, and water fountain are not available. Please brush your teeth, use the bathroom, and get a drink before you come to your appointment.

Thank you for your understanding as we do our best to provide you with a clean and safe experience.

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