A woman is holding her Invisalign and smiling mobile

Need Invisalign in Battle Creek? Bandeen Orthodontics Can Help!

If you do not like the look of traditional braces but need to adjust your teeth and improve your smile, Invisalign in Battle Creek from Bandeen Orthodontics may be right for you. Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign involves the use of durable, high-quality clear aligners (trays) to move your teeth to their desired positions. Dependent on the amount of movement that is necessary, the length of treatment can vary from patient to patient. In this post, we will discuss what you can expect if you choose Invisalign for your orthodontic treatment.

At your first visit, we will look at what your needs for your orthodontic treatment are in order to determine if Invisalign is an option for you. For your convenience, if you would like to start treatment, we take your records at this first visit – including photographs, x-rays, and a scan so that we can create an exact digital model of your teeth without the need for impressions!

We then send your records to Invisalign, where your results are customized by adjusting the computer model of your teeth so that they’re in the perfect positions. From there, Invisalign makes your aligner trays, sends them to us, and we give them to you so that we can place them on your teeth. Each aligner is worn for seven days then you advance to the next one until you use all of the aligners. For your convenience, you will receive your aligners in groups so that you don’t have to come see us each week.

After you have completed a week of wear with each aligner, we may need to take another scan for a new computer model, send to Invisalign again, and work with them to revise or fine tune your results with a few more aligners. Once your treatment is complete and your teeth are where they need to be, we will provide you with a set of retainers so that you can keep your results.

If you have any questions about Invisalign or any other orthodontic treatments, do not hesitate to contact us!

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